Friday, June 3, 2011

Late Spring Project

So I am trying some basic gardening for the first time ever. These above ground boxes were in the backyard of our apartment and I never did anything with them last year, and now look at these beauties. Yup, me thinks they need a little bit of work. I picked the brain of a friend who knows her gardening stuff (thanks for the tips, Elaine) and now comes the muscle work. Which Sadie is excited about because she thinks it's a sandbox. She has her own gardening shovel and rake and I am sure will have a blast as I weed the crap outta these suckers. Then comes the big question...... what to plant in an area that only gets the afternoon sun? Any gardeners out there that can weigh in? I know I would love to plant tomatoes and basil, probably the two things I buy the most at the store. Anything else that is easy to grow? It's really not that much space so I don't think I can do a whole lot in those. And that is my project, send some green thumb vibes over to Rhody, k?!


Crafty Mama said...

green beans or zucchini. both grow really well. Watch out for rabbits though, they LOVE green beans.

I haven't planted anything yet this year, weekends have been so busy! I told Will that we'd get at it sometime this weekend.

Kelley said...

Whoa, gardening?! Get down with your bad self! haha:-) I have NO clue about vegetable gardening. But a really pretty and easy-to-take-care-of flower for that space is the New Guinea impatien. I like this variety better than regular impatiens, and they can take some sun. Pop some in, Farmer Brown. ;-)

Kelley said...

If you plant zucchini, you can have your own neighborhood Zucchini Fest!