Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lazarus Plants

My official Bamato Picker. Do NOT try to pick these yourself. Someone may have a meltdown.

They are coming back to life! I guess that is what they needed- SUN. My cherry tomatoes, after a solid month or more of green fruit, is finally ripening. Mmm.... fresh tomatoes are the bomb. Sadie is loving picking all the "bamatoes", it's her official job. The basil is finally growing and I just started being able to pick it again last night. The parsley is doing so much better, much greener and really big now. Also, the pumpkin plants I transplanted, I honestly thought I had killed the heck out of, they were so wilted- miraculously are popping back up now and turning a lovely green. So, it's working! I love gardening, I can't wait for the day I can really set up a great veggie/herb garden. For now, this is great, thank you life giving sun!

The nasturtiums budding and blooming.

First cherry tomato of the season!

My love. Basil. Green and thriving.


Crafty Mama said...

My basil croaked this year. :( I think it may be for the same reason, a little too much shade. However, I think an animal was munching on it, and Brian says some of my zucchini leaves have bites taken out of them, too. I don't want to buy chicken wire....but I will!

Kelley said...

Garden is lookin' good! Isn't it exciting to find new buds on plants?? Makes me long for my "outdoor room"!

adventures in rhode island said...

some of my basil has some holes too! i'm ignoring it and hoping it just goes away :) good luck with your zucchini!!