Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Proof I Did Not Jump On The Vampire Bandwagon Now

Circa 1998, with fellow vampire gal, Kim. Yes, those are special fangs we really had to search to find. They rocked.
(P.S. Disc 4 of True Blood came today. Doing a happy dance!)


asplashofsunshine said...

Oh my dear Lord... that is hilarious!

Crafty Mama said...

Nicccce, real nice. :)

Kel said...

Oh, what have I DONE to you??? I blame myself for reading Stephen King in your young, impressionable presence! **sob** :**(

This is my fault, isn't it?? LOL

adventures in rhode island said...

ya, kel, you definitely screwed me up. :)