Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Three Year Old-isms

What a ham.

Some recent sayings from our resident 3 year old.

On aging:

"What's on your forehead?"
"What do you mean?"
"What are those lines???"
... long pause.....
"Oh, you mean my wrinkles?"
"Hahahaha, YEAH!!"
"Would you like to know how I got them????"
(Just kidding on the last part.)

On a "blemish" Mommy had:

"Why do you have a nipple on your face?"
Subsequent peels of laughter.

On why she can't do what she was asked:

"I CAN'T, Mommy!"
"Yes, you can, please listen."
"No, I can't cuz I'm CHUFFING! I'm chuffing real fast!"
(continues to play with trains....)
(Mom still trying not to laugh over the term "chuff" and mentally makes a note that perhaps she is watching too much tv.)

On underwear malfunctions:

"Mooommmmyyy! Ow! I have a scrunchie!!"
(Translation: I have a wedgie.)

Riding the carousel, happy as a clam.

On growing up in the digital age:

"Can I play with Skylar today?"
"We can't today."
"Yes, we can! You just have to text Miss Nanette and ask her!"
(Seriously?! She also pretends to text on her own phone.)

On trying to get her way:

"I want M&M's!!"
"Not before din—"
"DADDDDDDDY!!!!!!!!!! CAN I HAVE M&M'S???????"
"John! Don't you dare....!"

On growing up:

"So when I get bigger my boobies will grow out of my chest?"
"Well, ya, but you need to be a LOT bigger, kid."
(Where does she get these things?! I think she will be the kid stuffing her undershirt with tissues, she is obsessed with boobies!)

Separate incident:

"Ha ha, Daddy has boobies!"
"Honey, boys don't have boobies (kind of a lie here), boys have?????"
"Penises." (said very matter of factly.)
(Insert John's jaw dropping and "What do you teach her?!)
Hey, I was expecting her to say "chests!"

I realize she is talking a warp speed here, she is saying "I'm a ferocious dinosaur! Rarrrrr!!!"


Crafty Mama said...

Laughed so hard, I felt out of my chair. At work. Thanks! :)

I'm going to to have to do a version of this post. Kids....they crack you up on a daily basis.

asplashofsunshine said...

I am moving back and moving in as a fly on your walls! SADIE CRACKS ME UP! Gee, I wonder where she gets it!

Kelley said...

LMAO!! That girl cracks me up!!!

Nana said...

That Sadie is soooooo funny! She would have been a hit on the old Art Linkletter show, "Kids Say The Darnest Things" The audience would have just crack up & Sadie would have been the Star of the show! I remember when you were all here & you put Sadie to bed & Sadie said to you, I love Nana, she's so cute, she loves me perfectly! That comment will live in my heart forever! I just love my Sadie!