Sunday, January 2, 2011

Deep Cleansing Breath

(Sadie's celebration was at 7 pm, though.)

There is something cleansing about the start of a new year, no? A clean slate kind of feeling. The this-year-will-be-different fantasies flood in. It can be kind of euphoric! We're allowed to put the parts of last year that we'd rather forget, on a shelf waaaaay in the back, and with a clear mind and a renewed spring in our step, march forward into the new, the better, the happier 2011. In January, the possibilities seem limitless! We have a "let me at 'em!" approach to life. I think we all deserve and, most importantly, need this feeling of rebirth, new hope and anticipation. No, of course it doesn't last, but that's ok. It's job is already done. It gave us a chance to sit still for a moment to think (a precious gift in and of itself) and reevaluate our lives and figure out what changes we would like to make. It lets us dream a little bit. It can give us inspiration. If we're lucky, some motivation. So what if it doesn't always last? If it wasn't for January, we'd never do it these things period, we're too busy! I really appreciate the January New Year High. So to all of you in this new year, I wish you health, inner peace, contentment with what you have, dreams that inspire you, and motivation to make them happen. Happy New Year!

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