Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Meet little Spud Monkey

Life is pretty good right now! Meet Sadie, or our little Spud Monkey. Don't ask me how that got started, all I know is that John coined the term, and it seemed to fit her! So, it stuck. Along with many other nicknames that pop up daily. I probably should start using her actual name more though, just in case she starts thinking we named her Spud Monkey.  She is the sweetest,  funniest, most adorable girl on the planet, not that we are biased or anything. She also has her fiery side, courtesy of all that Irish and Italian in her! John will have his hands full with 2 fiery girls. :) Babies take up a lot of time I am learning, hence this blog entry taking me 2 months to write! Yup, she is already 2 months old, and changing daily. Right now we are loving the smiles and coo's she loves to amuse us with. They are much better than the colicky period we went through in the beginning! She really is becoming this little person with her own little personality, its amazing to see.  Like her mom and dad, she is enjoying her walks around town, frequent stops for coffee or bubble tea, listening to Eddie Vedder during car rides and dancing around to the Juno soundtrack with mom. Sleep isn't high on her list of priorities, she would much rather play and be entertained. Luckily however, she is snoozing peacefully in her baby sling right now, letting me finally make a first post.

Hopefully we will add pics and videos to the blog often, so check back!

Also, I am just catching up on Lost- what an ending, how can I wait so long for the next season!??


Crafty Mama said...

Isn't it amazing on how many nicknames babies get? Will had a ton: Snooks, Stink-o, Babycakes....but the only one that's seemed to stuck with me is Bubby. We mostly call him Will though! Love the new picture and glad things are going well! So Sadie's an Eddie Vedder fan? Very cool!

asplashofsunshine said...

HI LITTLE SPUD MONKEY!!!! Welcome to Blogland! You are now the most adorable baby EVER! Smooches from Auntie Karen!

Anonymous said...

I love it, Spud Monkey!
She is soooo cute!
I'm happy to hear she's all smiles and coos now :)
cool baby girl!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE her nickname. Love the photo as well, she is so very cute! I can't wait to read more posts to see how you all are doing!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Oh My goodness...she's such a guys have a real nice one there, and is that some red hair i see? hehe, John you have your hands full! We all miss you lots at the sailing company. Come and visit soon...please bring the spud monkey!
miss you lots! -Elizabeth :)

Anonymous said...

Shannon & John:
Thank you for my sweet little Grandchild,"Spud Monkey" but she is really my "little Darling Heart". She is so beautiful, just like her Mommy! I can't wait to see her and hold her again.!! For now, please keep her pictures coming so Nana can see her growing. Please give her a kiss from her Nana!!
Love you all, Nana

Pan and the boys said...

"This world is so much things to lern Mommy..that 's why I don't want to sleep" Saddie said :p

I'm so glad to see sadie's blog. Just before you know it, she will crawl already.

More picture and video please please..

Lukie's mom

Anonymous said...

Spud Monkey!! It's perfect!! heehee!

Look how adorable she is with that tongue sticking out! Looks like me when I was that age! :-P

~Sparkly Fairy Godmother