Friday, June 27, 2008

Chris + Coffee + Good Times

So yesterday, Chris came down to visit for the afternoon, it was so good to see him. Like old times, going for yummy Starbucks together.  Christopher and I were roommates for awhile way back when. And what a roommate he was! I could write post after post of all the pranks he pulled. One time, I came home after a long, stressful day at work and sat down on my bed and ....... the bed wasn't soft like it usually was, it felt hard. Come to discover, Chris had switched my box spring and mattress and made the bed back up. Or all the times he would steal my cell phone and set the alarm for 3 am. Or switch my cell phone to another language, making it practically impossible to do anything on it or find a way to switch it back to English. Or the time he found my password to my voicemail and changed my outgoing message to something ridiculous. And here's a good one: he switched the names on my phone list one time, so that when I thought I was calling him, I was actually calling this guy I had a crush on (don't worry, it was pre-John). I think he was in danger of bodily harm on that one. I could go on, but a lot of those stories require explaining. Like, if I started out the next example with "Chris used to pretend he was a cheetah....." it would sound just too weird, so I'll stop here! Ah yes..... Chris had what I called "boundary issues". Yes, yes, funny boy. :)  Makes for great stories now, not as funny then! Ah..... good times..... Thanks for the visit, Chris!

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