Saturday, June 7, 2008

Play Dates and Sadie Talk

So Sadie had her first play date! Ok, so I use the term "play" loosely. It was more like "sit in their strollers and look adorable" date. I met up with a friend, Nanette, from our birthing class and I got to meet her beautiful daughter, Skylar. What a cutie she is! Turns out both of them like Starbucks, letting their sleep deprived mommys get some well needed caffeine. Both of them were the picture of perfect babies. You never know how much time Sadie will give you at these places! I am a pro at sucking down a grande coffee in no time. Notice Sadie's favorite binky- big ol' thanks to Lauren for discovering the only pacifier she will take- it has a beanie baby horse attached to it, she loves this thing. This contributed greatly to Sadie's enjoyment of Starbucks!

It seems like our little Spud really wants to communicate with us and talk to us,  its so adorable to watch. Her most verbal times are on the changing table while I am changing her for some reason. So here's a cute video of her "communicating" with us. :)

Oh what the heck, I can't help myself, here are two other pictures..... Sad Spud and Happy Spud! She is adorable with that pout! Am I a bad mom for taking the picture of her as she is about to let out a good cry?!


asplashofsunshine said...

STOP IT! This just makes me miss you guys more. Juliana is sooooo giggly right now thinking Sadie can talk. Haaaa, cute!

Pan and the boys said... cute. Shannon!It's sound like sadie said "after" or not?

I like the pout picture..when I see this I want to give her a big kiss...don't cry baby don't cry.

Crafty Mama said...

Love the new pics...happy and sad! Sad faces are cute too, they're hard not to smile at. :)

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! That is hilarious! She is DEFINITELY trying to talk! Soooo funny. Sounds like she said "look" somewhere in there. :-))