Monday, June 23, 2008

Our other kids

I can't believe Owen and Bean haven't gotten any blog time! Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about them, they are after all, our first borns. Its just the newest member of our family takes up quite a bit of time and attention! It used to be all our pictures were of the cats sleeping, the cats playing, the cats looking cute... boy, things have changed! Sadie's older brothers have been adjusting pretty well to their new sister. So far anyways, all the worrying we did about the cats being aggressive to her seem to be for nothing because they really don't pay much attention to her at all! When we first brought her home, they hated all the crying so if Sadie was in the living room, they placed themselves as far as possible from the noise. Now they are fine being around her, although I am sure once she can crawl and pull tails, that will change! One problem we've had is that baby toys and cat toys are extremely similar. Like, the bouncer is a perfect cat bed to them. Rattles mysteriously end up under the bed. Before Sadie was born, we found Bean in the crib batting the mobile. You get the idea. Ah, kitties.... you gotta love 'em. 


asplashofsunshine said...

Owen looks soooo authoritative even with his eyes closed. You are right, just wait until Sadie is moving around... she will rule the roost!

Crafty Mama said...

Your furkids are some of the cutest ever! I was worried about Joey at first with Will coming home from the hospital but he's always been a perfect gentleman. Sometimes he gets a bit jealous and THROWS himself into my lap, "Pet ME mama!" :)